Once upon a time, when Mr. Spice and I were newly married and weren’t working crazy hours, we would go to see movies all the time! Pretty much every weekend we’d go out to dinner, see a movie, and then hang out in the Borders bookstore afterwards. (I miss Borders!!) Ahhhh, those were the days!
Fast-forward 13 years. Now we have a 21 month-old and though I’m not working crazy hours at a job right now, Mr. Spice is. Needless to say, there’s not a lot of free time anymore, let alone time for date nights. I can count on one hand the times we’ve gone out on our own for a date night – part of that is our fault for not looking for a regular babysitter. Movie night now is curling up on the bed and watching one after our son has gone to bed. Nothing wrong with that!
It’s been a while since we’ve had a movie night at home, we’ve both been working on random projects at night, or else I’ve been too lazy and just wanted to catch up on tv or reading. For some weird reason whenever we want to watch a movie, we can never remember what’s come out and then there’s always the issue of us not agreeing on a movie.
And then there’s this issue!
I laughed and laughed when I saw this because it’s too true!
It must have been fate because recently the folks at G.H. Cretors reached out to me about reviewing a home movie night kit! They offered to send me two bags of G.H. Cretors popcorn, two Oscar-nominated movies (Arrival and Moonlight), as well as tissues and other goodies. Perfect! Of course I said yes!
Look at all these goodies! I claimed the cheese popcorn for myself but had to try some of the caramel corn from The Mix – it tasted just like that Karmelkorn stuff you used to get at the mall. I may have just dated myself, lol! And that throw was perfect for snuggling. We decided to watch Arrival because of the sci-fi theme. I loved it. Loved the music, loved the story. And those tissues sure did come in handy, good call on including those!
A couple fun facts:
- G.H. Cretors’ history dates back to 1893, when Charles Cretor, confectioner and inventor, unveiled the first popcorn machine at the Chicago World’s Fair.
- This “obsessively delicious” artisanal popcorn is popped in small batches using only the highest quality ingredients such as non-GMO popcorn and is gluten-free
After trying both flavors of the popcorn, I am now obsessed with trying some of the other flavors such as Organic Chile Jalapeno White Cheddar and Organic Dill Pickle. And I may have plans of mixing those two flavors, yum!!
Can’t wait for our next movie date night at home!
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