This has got to be one of the easiest recipes ever. Which is why I decided to make it! 😀
I bought some fresh, skinless salmon yesterday at Publix and wanted to make something I could take for lunch tomorrow. Possibly even in a bento (don’t hold your breath!). We have some lovely pesto in our fridge just screaming to be used. I even bought some fancy pants asiago peppercorn sourdough bread and some fresh mozzarella from Trader Joe’s in the hopes of making a fancy pants Italian-style grilled cheese sandwich with it. All in good time, my darlings.
For now you’ll have to be happy with this oh so simple yet yummy salmon.
Is there even a point in typing this up as a recipe?
1 lb. of salmon fillets, skinned
pesto in a jar (I used Classico)
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil, spray with cooking spray and sprinkle with some salt and pepper.
Lay the salmon on foil, take a fork and stab the fillets a few times. Take the pesto and slather on. Use as much as you want, I just took a big glob and spread it over the two. So precise I am.
Bake for about 20 minutes or until salmon is done to your liking.
Note — it’s really hard to take good pictures of food when all but one of the overhead lights in the kitchen have gone out and the surface light on your stove is really yellow-y and the sun is starting to set. I did the best I could, and let the auto-fix Picnik feature on Flickr take care of the rest.
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