Comments on: This eating thing Recipes, Restaurants, and Random Musings Thu, 26 Mar 2009 19:31:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Beadie Thu, 26 Mar 2009 19:31:00 +0000 You do have to do what you have to do. Do what makes you feel right and sane at the time. The key is figuring out what is triggering you to want to diet. It has taken me many attempts of dieting/not dieting to figure out that when my brain tells me it is time to diet that it means I need to regain control and start taking care of my needs better. Wanting a diet to fix it is really just counter productive in the long run but it takes time to get to where you know that.

Wanting to lose weight for the *right* reasons is OK and is actually good for you to be at a healthy weight but losing weight in hopes that it will fix all the other problems is where the trouble starts.

Hang in there and thanks for sharing so much of your journey with us.
